Below is the Gratitude chapter from my new book, Bipolar Awakenings - The Quest to Heal Bipolar Disorder.
As you will see, there were many people to thank!
"While studying the pioneers has been fundamental, I wouldn’t have been able to create
anything new without endless conversations and encounters with some of the most
fascinating souls I’ve ever met. I am deeply grateful to every one of them. That’s why I
suggest reading my acknowledgments as if they were a “human bibliography.”
My quest has no beginning without the love, dedication, and sacrifice of my wife, Ligia
Splendore. Getting this work off the ground meant suffering through countless setbacks.
Thank you for being there every step of the way!
As a client and colleague, Monika Kettler turbocharged my work in Europe for five
straight years. Thank you, Moni! Without your enthusiasm and hard work in Germany,
I wouldn’t have made all those trips.
To Livia in Romania, it took remarkable courage to be my very first client. Thank you
for showing faith in me and my work. It came at a moment when I really needed it.
A big hug goes out to my man in the Netherlands, Tim Knoote. More than any client,
Tim has gone public on television, radio and in print, sharing his story of healing
through our adventures together. Tim, you know I have high hopes for your country.
Let’s see if this book makes a difference!
To Kerstin Ogard, who somehow shows up in four separate chapters! We’ve certainly
had some memorable moments, haven’t we? Your support and friendship have meant
a lot to me.
To my wife’s nieces, Ana and Eliana, who started Ligia and me on this quest to heal
bipolar disorder—much love!
To everyone who has worked with me over the past seventeen years, I’ve learned
something from each one of you. I’d especially like to recognize the other clients who
have used their real names in the book—Jan & Osmo, Urs, Daniel, Leo, and Pablo.
There have also been countless YouTubers who have shared their stories with me. I’ve
learned more from them than from any textbook. Thanks guys!
I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to transpersonal pioneer Stanislav Grof, MD.
Stan, although we’ve only briefly met, where would I be without you? Your visionary
work runs through my veins, touching every one of my clients.
To my second “guru,” Ken Wilber, whose work on the evolution of consciousness has
expanded my world exponentially. Your uncanny ability to consolidate wildly different
bodies of knowledge and forge them into something helpful has been an inspiration.
Thanks to transpersonal psychologist David Lukoff, PhD, who has been an avid supporter
of my YouTube channel and has spearheaded the fight to get spiritual experiences
recognized by the psychiatric community. David, seeing you relentlessly share
your message for decades prepared me for the long road ahead.
Many thanks to Grof Transpersonal Training, where I honed my craft as a Holotropic
Breathwork facilitator. The late Tav Sparks provided tremendous guidance and was
a charismatic teacher. The enthusiastic support of my trainers in Brazil, Alvaro and
Dora Jardim, has been essential. Antonio Pedro Goulart and Karin Grunwald have
been invaluable contributors not only to my work, but to my own healing process. In
Canada, Carolyn Green, PhD, has been a great friend and a wise guide. My trainers
in Spain, Juanjo Segura, Sitara Blasco, and Marc B. Aixalà, MS, made my GTT certification
a memorable experience, instilling within me an added degree of confidence.
Transpersonal psychiatrist James Eyerman, MD, became a mentor and friend, providing
essential insight into experimenting with breathwork in a retreat setting. Jimmy,
your decades of experience and bravery eased my fears!
Thanks to transpersonal psychiatrist Tim Read, MD, and author Jules Evans for including
my chapter in their book, Breaking Open: Finding a Way Through Spiritual
Emergency. I believe it is the finest book on Spiritual Emergencies available today.
Exposure to the pioneering work of R.D. Laing, MD, Loren Mosher, MD, and John
Weir Perry, MD, launched my life in an entirely new direction. Their approach to supporting
people through extreme states of consciousness has made a lasting imprint on my work.
Special thanks to Jungian psychotherapist Michael Cornwall, PhD, who has passed on the legacy
of these giants to a new generation.
Manjari Das helped me edit this book as if it were her own. Manjari, thank you for
your insightful feedback and dedicated effort. Your attention to detail saved me a lot
of headaches!
Graphic designer Sylvie Baillargeon brought my formerly stodgy charts to life! Sylvie,
your creativity and thought-provoking insights were an essential addition.
To the courageous psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and social workers out there
who know the mainstream psychiatric system needs an upgrade and are eager to make
a difference from the inside, especially Calvin Chatlos, MD, Barbara Ilievski, MD,
Jim van Os, MD, Kelly Brogan, MD, Lauri Kuosmanen, PhD, Russell Razzaque, MD,
Joanna Moncrieff, MD, Peter Breggin, MD, Ron Unger LCSW, John Read, PhD, and
Richard Bentall, PhD.
The current president of the American Psychiatric Association, Petros Levounis, MD,
also deserves praise. In 2023, he took the bold step of serving as the director of a
conference on psychosis and spirituality at Rutgers University, where he is the chair
of the Department of Psychiatry. It was moving to see him embrace a role that most
psychiatrists would avoid at all costs. Dr. Levounis, if only one person reads this book,
I hope it’s you.
To the bold group of leaders who are championing the value of spiritually transformative
experiences, especially Catherine G. Lucas, Emma Bragdon, PhD, Isabel Clarke,
Janet Werner, Hilary Van Welter, Gino Yu, PhD, Yvonne Kason, MD, Anne Archer,
Chris Cole, Katrina Michelle, PhD, Katie Mottram, Kylie Harris, PhD, Paul Levy, Mick
Collins and Beth Halliday. I see all of you as teammates.
Many thanks to all the transpersonal psychologists who have been immensely supportive
over the years, especially former EUROTAS president Bernadette Blin, MA,
Ank Van Gulik, MD, Bo Wikstrom, Klaus John, Steven Shultz, PhD, Lenny Gibson,
PhD, Elizabeth Gibson, MS, Lindy McMullen, PhD and Ted Esser, PhD. Through our
private conversations, you have passed on a legacy of wisdom.
Our transpersonal community in Brazil has encouraged Ligia and me continuously,
especially Maria Cristina M. de Barros, PhD, Manuel Simao, Doucy Douek, Vera Saldanha,
PhD, and Daniel Holzhacker. Muito Obrigado!
A big hug to the content creators and podcasters who have interviewed me over the years,
especially Will Hall, MA (Madness Radio), Mike Williams and his team at YouTube channel
PsycheTruth, Jennifer Gaita Siciliano (Not As Crazy As You Think), Ezekiel Funches
(Expanded Minds), and Shantanu Singh (The Ascend Academy). Our conversations have
not only helped promote my work, but they have also pushed my thought process!
To the creators, moderators and members of the social networks that support people
experiencing “bipolar awakenings.” Kumail Akbari, Dabney Alix, Cristina Mohr and
Jen MacDonald have invested incredible energy in bringing these social networks to life.
To the bold filmmakers who have tried to share a more intimate understanding of
extreme state experiences. Special thanks to Phil Borges, director of CRAZYWISE,
and Michelle Melles & Pedro Orega for their film, Drunk on Too Much Life. I’ve been
inspired by our shared sense of mission.
The CRAZYWISE Conference held in The Netherlands has fueled my fire for many
years. It was an honor to be part of its creation. Thanks to Ruud Van Rijsingen, Jose
Hoekstra and a dedicated team of volunteers for continuing this marvelous event.
The greater peer support community informed me about the importance of compassionate
care for anyone diagnosed with a so-called “disorder” or “mental illness.” Oryx
Cohen, Josh Roberts, Monica Cassani, Robin Timmers, Dina Tylor, Sascha DuBrul,
Steven Morgan, Héðinn Unnsteinsson, Leah Harris, Jim Flannery, Kiana Fitzgerald,
Victoria Maxwell and Jayme Lynch—I hope you feel represented in these pages.
To our Brazilian friends at Ligia’s peer support group, Repensando a Loucura (Rethinking
Madness). Fabiana, Anderson, Pablo, Dr. Ricardo Oki, Ronie and Ana Carolina—you
are a part of this, too! It’s been a pleasure to get to know you all.
To Paris Williams, PhD, whose book title, Rethinking Madness, became the name of
our Brazilian peer group—your book has had a lasting impact!
Through his books and website,, investigative journalist Robert
Whitaker created an expansive body of knowledge regarding the pseudo-science that
forms the basis of mainstream psychiatry. Robert, your shocking findings provided a
solid foundation for my work.
To my shamanic friends here in Sao Paulo, especially Felicity MacDonald and her late
husband Andrew. You created a wonderful community for people seeking a deeper connection
with divine consciousness. Your spirit runs through every one of my retreats.
To my psychologist, Adriana Salles, and long-time mentor, Sheena Singh—Thank you
both for pushing me deeper into my own healing process.
I am very grateful to my family and friends in Canada and Brazil. You were always
there for me, especially when times got tough.
And finally, to my feral cat, Zen, who was killed by a jaguar. You were a magical client
and a great teacher of stillness. I miss you dearly."
End of chapter.